Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Every evening at 9 when I sit to watch the news I am filled with a sense of outrage; and like a glutton gone insane I continue to watch the news, and continue to feel outraged. What perplexes me more than the shamelessness of our ruling elite is the complacency of the educated elite. Yes, in the Indian context we are the educated elite – anyone who has done his schooling automatically falls into this category where the dividing line between the haves and the have nots (in education) is clearly defined. And those of these millions who have access to computers – and by logical extension – to the Net, FB and Twitter (like us) fall into the class of the super-educated elite.
So why am I filled with angst? Yes, I am. Because we have chosen to close our eyes and shut our ears to what is happening around us. Because my Inbox is full of chain letters and chain jokes – none of them original – interrupted by the outbursts of a few fellow-outraged concerned citizens who send me Pritish Nandy’s comments on the state of the nation.  
And what IS the state of the nation? Scams of immeasurable gigantic gargantuan proportions, Coalgate, Karnataka MLAs on a study tour, farmers suicides, reservations in promotions, economic paralysis . . . Can someone please add to this list? And add to the debate? Any silver lining? Yes, mercifully so, even though fleeting and like a mirage – the Indian Army, the higher judiciary, Narayan Murthy, Abdul Kalam, Ratan Tata, Aamir Khan, and a handful of committed civil servants who are plodding on despite all odds to take the country, huffing and puffing, to the goal post.
And what about us, the vast majority who are content to send chain letters and chain jokes, and upload pictures of our holiday abroad with baba log in tow? Ever heard of Nero, the guy who fiddled while Rome burnt? Well, he is immortal, and we Indians have immortalized him.
Sorry, friends, for this public display of angst – but I just could not take it after seeing Arnav Goswami in action today. Please add fuel to this little spark, and set off a conflagration of vocal resistance that will change our anthem from Chalta Hai to Nahin Chalega.

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